Monday, May 2, 2011

Pak-China border opening heralds a revival of tourism industry 2011-05-01

Gojal- The Pak-China border was opened for all types of tourists and logistic services between the two countries here on Sunday.

Both the khunjarab security force (KSF), the Pakistani security force responsible to look after the border and their Chinese counterparts were present at the border that opened the gates by formally cutting of the band.

Owing to the harsh terrain and the extreme weather conditions on both sides of the border, the khunjarab pass, a gateway connecting the two countries remains closed from December to April.

Reopening of the road this year has left the business community scratching their heads as the kkh still remains closed due to the Attaabad Lake, the artificial lake formed due to land slide last year that completely submerged 15 kms of the KKH cutting Gojal valley, the gateway to china from rest of the world. The valley still remains stranded although boat service had been provided for the area in the immediate aftermath of the Attaabad disaster.

The disaster brings a dual with it as the lake adds to the list of tourist hotspots that Gojal, known as the museum of glaciers in the world of tourism offers for visitors.

Though the lake remained largely unnoticed by tourists last year due to the floods that swept the country from the mountains of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa to the plains of Indus basin in Sindh besides the militancy menace caused a huge loss to the local tourism industry.

The country is recovering from ruins of the flood that left hundreds homeless and depriving thousands from their valuables and the situation of law and order is improving with each passing day.

Giants of the local tourism industry are of the view that the year will witness a revival of the tourism industry as the seasons start serves a good omen with globe trotters turning to the high valleys and mountains of Gilgit-Baltistan.

Nazir sabir, the renowned mountaineer said the tourism industry is witnessing a revival this year and expressed his optimism in the future of the tourism industry. “we are having a good start this year that has given hope and confidence to the thousands of people whose income in affiliated with the industry” he added.
He said due to the harsh weather conditions during the winters the tourism industry in Gilgit-Baltistan is a “‘Six-month phenomenon.’ “Tourists start mounting Pakistan during the summers usually besides its quite difficult for mountaineers to do the job in winters” he added.

Aziz, a hotel owner from Gojal while talking to this scribe said his hotel remained literally closed for over two years. “the start of the season has given me hope and I am quite happy to have guests from around the globe back to my hotel” he added. He said the tourist season had a good start and has brought back what he called ‘the fast wilting hope’ of the people whose future is associated with the industry. We are rising from ruins” observed.

The government has set up a special department realizing the potential of tourism in the region. An official of the gilgit-baltistan tourism department said the government was planning a number of initiatives for promotion of tourism in the region. “As we have a good start this year, the government is planning a number of initiatives for promotion of tourism” he added. He said the tourism department was in touch with the tour operators for the betterment and improvement of the tourism industry in the region.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Qaklasht Festival promotes the cultural and social heritage of Chitral Valley

Chitral, April 16: Chitral is very peaceful and a paradise-like place home to a peace loving and rich cultural  heritage. Chitral has great potential as an eco-tourism site.
These views were express by Mrs Robin Raphel ,Ccountry Director at United States Agency for International Development (USAID). She along with a former US ambassador was present at the Quarter Final polo match. She highly appreciated the hospitality and peace loving nature of the Chitralis.
Earlier she was briefed by Shamsuddin, Manager Chitral Association for Mountain Areas Tourism (CAMAT), about the role of his organization in promotion of Eco Tourism in the Hindukush region. R
The 4 days Qaqlasht festival is underway at a scenic plateau, 80 kilomter away from Chiltral town, close to Booni, Mastuj Tehsil. The festival, aimed at promotion of Chitrali culture, is celebrated every year from April 14 – 17.
Free style polo, football, Volley ball, Cricket, Hockhy, Marathon race, Tug of War, shooting , cultural variety programs and and poetical sessions are some of the festival’s highlights.
Final events of the Qaklasht festival would be held on April 17 if the weather remain favourable. A large number of local people as well as some national and foreign tourists are enjoying colorful events during the festival in a very peaceful environment.

For more information please visit Pamir Times

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Khunjerab Pass

The ultimate climax of the trip on the KKH is the Khunjerab Pass, which is at an altitude of 4,733 meters (15,620 feet). It is one of the highest paved road connecting Pakistan Northern area to China western provinces. From Sust, the immigration post on Pakistan's side, you climb gradually till you reach close to the pass, where series of hair-pin turns takes you even higher, and then to the plateau of this remote pass.

If you are going into China you will require a visa/passport. If not, tell the immigration post on Pakistan side at Sust that you are just going to the pass and returning.

The KKH also traverse through the Khunjerab National Park reserve, and further down Susut there is a post that may ask you to pay entrance fee to this. In our car we had a Pak Army officer, so we were able to go for free ;)

Mountain views are awesome. You can observe the scenery changing, on distant mountains yaks grazing, and orange colored marmot running around. At one moment you are below the clouds and its cloudy, then the other on top, and its sunny with blue skies.

Usually Khunjerab is officially opened from 1st May to end of December. Crossing is weather dependent as during winter, the pass is closed due to snow

Patundass Meadows

This stunning trek goes along the Batura Glaciers. Patundas is a summer pasture with an altitude of above 4000 meters. The villagers of Ghulkin take there cattle to this green pasture from June to August. The fascinating view of Passu Peak 7284m, Batura Peak 7500m, Shishper 7619m, Dasteghil Sar 7885, Momhil Sar 7342 and Rakaposhi with the height of 7788m all around you. The trek starts at Borit Lake and goes through Passugar, Luzhdar and Patundas and along the glaciers. This is an easy and short trek recommended for all ages and does not require any good physical condition.

Rush Lake

Rush Lake is a high altitude lake located near Rush Pari Peak (5,098 m). At over 4,694 meters, Rush is one of the highest alpine lakes in the world. It is located about 15 km north of Miar Peak and Spantik (Golden Peak), which are in the Nagar valley. Rush Lake and Rush Peak can be reached via Nagar and Hopar and via the Hopar Glacier (Bualtar Glacier) and Miar Glacier, which rises from Miar and Phuparash peaks. The trek to Rush Lake provides spectacular views of Spantik, Malubiting, Miar Peak, Phuparash Peak and Ultar Sar.

Things to do in Hunza valley

  • Baltit Fort
  • Ultar Meadows Trek
  • Rakaposhi base camp Trek
  • Hoper Glacier Trek
  • Rush Lake Trek
  • Batura Trek
  • Patundass Meadows Trek
  • Shimshal Pass Trek
  • Khunjerab Pass
  • Sun Rising/Set at Duiker
  • Altit Fort
  • Ondra Fort

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Benvenuti a valle di Hunza in Pakistan

Hunza Valley è una valle di montagna in Gilgit nel Gilgit-Baltistan regione autonoma, una zona sotto il controllo del governo del Pakistan. La valle di Hunza è situata a nord del fiume Hunza, a un'altitudine di circa 2.500 metri (8.200 piedi). Il territorio di Hunza è di circa 7.900 chilometri quadrati (3.100 miglia quadrate). Karimabad (precedentemente chiamato Baltit) è la città principale, che è anche una destinazione turistica molto popolare per lo spettacolare scenario delle montagne circostanti, come Ultar Sar, Rakaposhi, Bojahagur Duanasir II, Hunza Peak, Diran Peak e Bublimating (Ladyfinger Peak), tutti i 6.000 metri (19.685 piedi) o superiore.


è un ex stato principesco confinanti con la Cina a nord-est e Pamir al suo nord-ovest, che ha continuato a sopravvivere fino al 1974, quando fu sciolto da Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Lo stato delimitato l'Agenzia Gilgit a sud, lo stato dell'ex Principato di Nagar ad est. La capitale dello stato è stata la città di Baltit (noto anche come Karimabad) e il suo antico insediamento è Ganish Village.


era un principato indipendente per più di 900 anni. I britannici presero il controllo di Hunza e la vicina valle di Nagar
tra il 1889 e il 1892 seguito da un impegno militare di intensità severa. L'allora Thom (Prince) Mir Safdar Ali Khan di Hunza fuggiti Kashghar in Cina e ha cercato ciò che può essere chiamato in materia di asilo politico. La famiglia regnante di Hunza è chiamato Ayeshe (celeste), dalla seguente circostanza. I due stati di Hunza e Nagar tempo erano uno, governata da un ramo del Shahreis, la famiglia regnante di Gilgit, la cui sede del governo fu Nager. La tradizione racconta che Mayroo Khan, a quanto pare il primo musulmano Thum di Nagar circa 200 anni dopo l'introduzione della religione islamica a Gilgit, sposato una figlia di Trakhan di Gilgit, che gli diede due figli gemelli di nome Moghlot e Girkis. Dalla ex famiglia regnante attuale Nager discende. I gemelli si dice che hanno mostrato ostilità verso l'un l'altro dalla nascita. Il padre vedendo questo e incapace di risolvere la questione della successione, diviso il suo stato tra loro, dando al Girkis nord, e per Moghlot sud, riva del fiume.

<> Il Hunza è situato ad un'altitudine di circa 2.500 metri (8.200 piedi). Per molti secoli, Hunza ha fornito l'accesso più rapido a Swat e Gandhara per una persona che viaggia a piedi. La strada era impraticabile per gli animali bagaglio; solo facchini umana potrebbe passare, e poi solo con il permesso dei locali.

Hunza era facilmente difendibile, come i sentieri erano spesso meno di 0,5 metri (20 in) di larghezza. I sentieri di alta montagna spesso attraversato rupe nuda si affaccia su tronchi incastrati nelle fessure nella roccia, con le pietre equilibrato sulla parte superiore. Sono stati anche costantemente esposti ai danni da agenti atmosferici e regolare caduta di sassi.
Questi erano i tanto temuti "passaggi sospesi" delle storie primi cinesi che tutti terrorizzati, tra cui diversi monaci buddisti cinesi famosi come Xuanzang.
Persone di Hunza

Per quanto la valle è famosa per la sua bellezza, la gente di Hunza sono noti per la loro cordialità e ospitalità. Le lingue locali parlate sono Burushaski, Wakhi e Shina, molte persone capiscono urdu. Il tasso di alfabetizzazione della valle di Hunza si crede di essere superiore al 90%. Praticamente ogni bambino degli studi di nuova generazione fino ad almeno il livello di scuola superiore. Molti studi superiori da college e università prestigiose del Pakistan e all'estero.

La maggior parte della gente di Hunza sono musulmani sciiti ismailiti, i seguaci di Sua Altezza il Principe Karim Aga Khan, mentre in Ganish Village oltre il 90% sono musulmani sciiti.

La regione Hunza è la patria di gente di tre etnie:

L'area di Bassa Hunza - (dal Khizerabad a Nasirabad è abitata principalmente da persone che parlano Shinaki Shina;

L'area centrale Hunza - (dal Murtazaabad per Ahmedabad) è abitata principalmente da altoparlanti Burushaski.

L'area superiore Hunza, conosciuta come Gojal - (dal Shiskat a Khunjerab è prevalentemente popolato da oratori Wakhi;

La maggior parte delle persone sono musulmani sciiti ismailiti, che sono seguaci dell'Aga Khan. L'attuale Aga Khan ha fornito un sacco di finanziamento per l'area di aiutare con l'agricoltura e l'economia locale attraverso l'Aga Khan Development Network.

Per ulteriori informazioni o informarsi con noi, vi preghiamo di contattarci all'indirizzo e-mail e numeri di telefono indicati di seguito.
Hunza Holidays Plus Trekking & Tours Pakistan

P.O.Box # 433 Islamabad, Pakistan 44000 

Hunza Office: 
Village Ghulkin Gojal Upper Hunza Gilgit-Baltistan Pakistan
Phone: 0092-346-5401519
           0092-321-4364 658

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